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Postdocs Unionize at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Postdoctoral researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, a private nonprofit institution in the Bronx, have unionized with a...
A photo illustration with a photo of Larry Chavis on the left, UNC Chapel Hill’s campus on the right and, overlaid atop both, part of the April 22 letter to Chavis revealing his classes were being recorded.

‘Notice Is Not Required’: Letter Says UNC Chapel Hill Secretly Records Professors

A business school professor was startled to learn that the university had recorded his classes as part of a ‘review’ he didn’t know about. The university says it has no formal policy on filming classes. Professors are worried.

Man selects correct options using his finger on a screen

Why Faculty Should Randomize Grading Order

Research from the University of Michigan finds sequential grading biases impact students with alphabetically lower last names, due in part to LMS default ordering. Here’s what professors can do about it.


Life Prep 101

College’s hidden curriculum’s essential role in preparing students for life post-graduation.

A Belmont University faculty member teaches a class outside to a row of students sitting on a curb with a green lawn and trees behind them.

Belmont University Permits Hiring Interfaith Faculty

The faith-based university in Tennessee has taken another step away from its longstanding tradition of hiring only Christian professors. Existing faculty are expected to have mixed reactions.

University of Washington Academic Student Workers Get Deal, Halt Strike

The University of Washington and a union representing academic student employees there reached a tentative agreement Tuesday night, ending a...

University of Washington Academic Student Employees Begin Strike

University of Washington academic student employees began striking over pay Tuesday. United Auto Workers Local 4121 said in a news...
A photo illustration consisting of a photograph of Harvard University’s campus with part of the faculty senate proponents’ written arguments superimposed on top.

Harvard Has No University-Wide Senate—Professors Are Proposing One

Amid attacks in multiple states on shared governance, faculty members seek to strengthen their role at America’s oldest higher education institution.