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Louisiana Lawmaker Requests Info on Foreign Faculty Members

A Louisiana state legislator asked his state for information on faculty members at Louisiana public institutions who hold green cards...
From left, four witnesses who testified during a congressional hearing Dec. 5 on antisemitism: Claudine Gay, then president of Harvard University, Elizabeth Magill, then president of University of Pennsylvania, Pamela Nadell, a professor of history and Jewish studies at American University, and Sally Kornbluth, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All four women sit at a long witness table as they listen to questioning.

The Humiliation of Higher Ed

We’ve entered a new stage in the culture wars, Jennifer Ruth writes.

California Judge Tosses Faculty DEI Statement Lawsuit

A federal judge for the Northern District of California threw out a lawsuit against the University of California, Santa Cruz...

Report: Little Movement on Pay Equity in Higher Ed

A new report from College and University Professional Association for Human Resources released Thursday finds a lack of “meaningful progress”...

Illinois State U Tenured, Tenure-Track Faculty Members Unionize

Tenured and tenure-track faculty members at Illinois State University have unionized. This week, the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board certified...
Exterior shot of the Indiana University Bloomington campus

Indiana U Sanctions Professor Who Advised Pro-Palestinian Students

The tenured professor of political science and Middle Eastern studies is barred from teaching until next fall after booking a room for an event organized by the Palestine Solidarity Committee.

A photo illustration including four photographs, each of striking employees holding up signs saying things such as "We R On Strike For a Better Rutgers” and “UIC Faculty On Strike for a Fair Contract.”

The Boom in Campus Strikes Is Likely to Continue in 2024. Just Look at California.

From the University of California in late 2022 to Rutgers, Temple, the University of Michigan and now Cal State, the strike wave on campuses isn’t ending.

An open book, on fire, against a black background.

The Censors’ Next Target

An emerging legislative agenda extends beyond the individual classroom, Jeffrey Adam Sachs and Jeremy C. Young write.