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At 11th Hour, University Drops Racial Literacy Requirement
A mandated curriculum long sought by Virginia Commonwealth students and faculty members was set to take effect this fall. The university delayed it late last month, and advocates don’t buy its reasoning for doing so.
Former UC San Diego Doctor Awarded $39M in Donation Dispute
Professor Denied Tenure Sues New College of Florida
The Toll of a Botched Hire
Texas A&M announces it will pay Kathleen McElroy $1 million and concludes that the university’s prior president, despite protestations to the contrary, played a key role in the mess.
Barred From Testifying by a Research Agreement
Lawyers representing children suing California sought two Stanford University K-12 researchers as expert witnesses. But the state Department of Education threatened the professors with fines.
Accused Harvard Dishonesty Researcher Sues Harvard, Bloggers
The View From the Cheap Seats
It’s easy to shout from high in the bleachers, harder to play with the team: faculty need to be better prepared to participate meaningfully in shared governance, Rachel Toor writes.
Poli Sci Group Won’t Move Conference Facing Labor Strife
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