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The Week in Admissions News

Affirmative action case reaches Supreme Court; debate over the anthem; new path at Salem College; counselor center use dropped; $150 million gift to Wofford will support need-based aid.

GM Sees 2035 Very Clearly. Will Higher Education?

The car company is going electric. Bill Conley and Bob Massa wonder if colleges have the courage to make equally difficult decisions.

2U, Guild Tap Deeper Into Adult Education Market

New deal gives 2U access to more companies' employees who are seeking training. Guild gets a broader slate of program offerings and 2U partner universities.

The Battle to Test International Students

ETS, losing market share to Duolingo, unveils a new TOEFL that costs students half what the current test costs. But ETS will also keep the current TOEFL, calling it the "gold standard."

Rhetorical Support Over Concrete Programs?

Most issued statements supporting Black Lives Matter, but only about half have a program to recruit Black students.

A Personalized Campus Tour… From Home

Hamilton College offers real tours … from the comfort of your sofa.

The Answer I Didn't Have

W. Kent Barnds reflects on what he should have told his daughter -- and thousands of other high school students.

The Week in Admissions News

International graduate enrollments; high school seniors’ plans; California admissions; race and free speech; COVID-19 cases.