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A 10% Tuition Cut, but Who Benefits?

Ontario cuts domestic student tuition by 10 percent while scaling back aid spending. Colleges won't be made whole, and students who got grants covering their full tuition will receive a portion of their aid in loans.

Men Blamed for Failure of French Effort on Hiring Female Academics

Requiring that at least 40 percent of search committee members be female was followed by a drop in hiring of women, study found.

Political Meddling in Korea

Academics worry about turnover of university leaders following a new government.

Global Higher Ed in Changing Times

Panelists at Inside Higher Ed-organized event discuss international student recruitment and keeping their institutions global amid political headwinds and public skepticism of internationalization activities.

Closing Confucius Institutes

The tide may be turning for the Chinese government-funded centers of Chinese language and cultural education as universities grapple with calls from Washington to close the institutes down. Over past year at least 10 have closed or announced plans to close.

Agents Welcome

State Department reverses long-standing policy against working with commissioned international recruiting agents, will welcome them at EducationUSA events.

British Universities Accept More Students With Low Grades

Some fear that institutions are too focused on tuition revenue.