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And Civics Literacy for All

Purdue's Mitch Daniels thinks civics knowledge should be a graduation requirement. Many faculty members agree.

New International Enrollments Climb at U.S. Grad Schools

Survey finds increases in international applications and first-time international enrollments at U.S. graduate schools last fall. But looking ahead to this fall, uncertainties abound.

Free Speech for Whom?

The arrest and sentencing of a Chinese student at the University of Minnesota for tweets he posted while studying in the U.S. raise concerns about restrictions on Chinese students' speech.

Coronavirus Hits China Exchange Programs

Following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, colleges are suspending travel to China, a popular destination for faculty and students and a country where many colleges have deep connections.

Iranian Student Denied Entry to U.S.

The student was bound for study at Northeastern University but was sent back after arriving in Boston. He's the latest in what experts say has been a troubling number of cases of Iranians being turned back despite having valid student visas.

International Education in an Era of Climate Change

A new network of international education professionals is trying to get the field to face the crisis of climate change -- and the carbon emissions generated by student air travel -- head-on.

Number of Enrolled International Students Drops

"Open Doors" survey finds declines in total numbers of enrolled international students in 2018-19 and continuing declines in new enrollments, though the latter declines are less sharp than in prior two years.

The Loan Landscape for International Students

An industry emerges to issue loans to international students. Interest rates are high, but the companies say they are filling an unmet need and expanding access.