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A photo illustration combining a photo of the University of Kentucky’s campus on the left with a photo of university President Eli Capilouto on the right.

Faculty Power on the Line in Kentucky

University of Kentucky leaders are on the verge of replacing a strong University Senate with a purely advisory body. Faculty members are asking a simple question: Why? 

UC San Diego, Santa Barbara Join Strike Backing Protesters

The University of California work stoppage supporting pro-Palestinian protesters has now grown to include five campuses, with academic workers at...
A protester with a megaphone walking on a street between a wall of protesters and another wall of police

DePaul Adjunct Ousted for Optional Gaza Assignment

Colleges have punished several professors since Oct. 7 for out-of-classroom speech. Now a faculty member has been fired for a task description that referenced “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing” and “a decolonized future.”

UCLA, Davis Join Strike Supporting Pro-Palestinian Protesters

Academic employees at two more University of California campuses have joined the University of California, Santa Cruz in the strike...
A photo illustration comparing North Carolina’s proposed REACH Act with the University of North Carolina System’s new policy.

Lawmakers Sought to Mandate Class on Founding Documents. What Were Professors to Do?

Conservative groups are pushing civics requirements in higher education, not just K-12. In North Carolina, undergraduates now must study the founding documents. Will other states follow?

Former U. of Arizona Student Convicted of Killing Professor

A jury has convicted a former University of Arizona graduate student of murdering professor Thomas Meixner on campus in October...
A photograph of people marching and holding signs that say “UAW On Strike Unfair Labor Practice.”

UC Academic Workers Strike Over Pro-Palestinian Protest Arrests

A walkout at the University of California, Santa Cruz could spread to other campuses in the state. The university system is calling the strike “illegal.”

A photo illustration with a photo of Larry Chavis on the left, UNC Chapel Hill’s campus on the right and, overlaid atop both, part of the April 22 letter to Chavis revealing his classes were being recorded.

‘Notice Is Not Required’: Letter Says UNC Chapel Hill Secretly Records Professors

A business school professor was startled to learn that the university had recorded his classes as part of a ‘review’ he didn’t know about. The university says it has no formal policy on filming classes. Professors are worried.