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Fixing Law Reviews

We don't need to abolish them, but we need fewer of them, and more focus on issues that would help lawyers and judges, writes John G. Browning.

Defining Desegregation

In lawsuit drawing to a close after six years, supporters of Maryland's historically black colleges raise anew question of state obligations to students and to institutions.

Getting Them to Give

Administrators from historically black colleges and universities discuss ways to increase alumni giving participation.

Get Me a Med School! Stat!

Several prominent universities, driven by revenue and prestige concerns, are building or merging with medical schools at a furious pace.

Critical Mass

About 10 percent of black computer science professors and Ph.D. students nationwide are at Clemson, thanks in large part to the work of one professor.

Talkin' 'Bout My Generation

Berkeley and Mario Savio are typically held up as the higher ed symbols of the '60s. John Thelin argues that Mitt Romney and Harvard's M.B.A./J.D. program complete the portrait.

Not So Fast

Key faculty panel issues scathing report that could stand in the way of UCLA business school's controversial "self-sufficiency" plan -- an idea that critics view as privatization.

Real Teacher Ed Reform

Significant changes, based on true assessment, are going on right now, led by the profession, writes Linda Darling-Hammond, who urges critics to check out what's really happening.