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Benoit-Antoine Bacon, president and vice chancellor of Carleton University, in Ottawa, has been selected as president and vice chancellor of the University of British Columbia.
Ron Cole, interim president of Allegheny College, in Pennsylvania, has been named president on a permanent basis.
Yancy Freeman, vice chancellor for enrollment management and student affairs at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, has been appointed as chancellor at the University of Tennessee at Martin.
Stacia (Stacy) Haynie, executive vice president and provost and chief academic officer at Louisiana State University, has been chosen as president of Midwestern State University, in Texas.
Ray Jayawardhana, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell University, in New York, has been selected as provost at Johns Hopkins University, in Maryland.
Ted Lewis, provost and vice president of academic and student affairs at Bluefield State University, in West Virginia, has been chosen as president of Bluefield State’s Beckley campus.
Kimberly McLeod, vice president of economic and academic development at Texas A&M University–Commerce, has been named provost and vice president for academic affairs at Clayton State University, in Georgia.