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Kansas governor Laura Kelly and top lawmakers voted Tuesday to allocate $35.7 million to public colleges and universities after the Kansas Board of Regents confirmed that each institution had complied with the state’s new anti–diversity, equity and inclusion law, which passed in April and took effect July 1, The Kansas Reflector reported.

The law forbids public institutions from making employment and admissions decisions based on DEI policies, and the state Legislature decided to make distribution of university operating grants contingent on compliance.

The law required universities to recalibrate personnel procedures and publish information about training and orientation programs to public websites.

“Has each of the presidents of the universities certified that they have performed the duties that are required?” House Speaker Dan Hawkins, a Republican, asked the Board of Regents president, Blake Flanders, in a hearing Tuesday.

Flanders responded in the affirmative, noting that the University of Kansas and Kansas State, Wichita State and Emporia State Universities had all met the mandate. He added that several other universities did not have a DEI framework in place to begin with.