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The Connecticut Board of Regents unanimously approved a new credit-transfer policy Wednesday, eliminating barriers that previously made it challenging to transfer general education credits between two- and four-year institutions in the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) system.
The new policy applies to all in-state community college students who wish to transfer to any of the five regional four-year institutions. It does not, however, include the flagship University of Connecticut, which operates independently from CSCU.
It will also provide the infrastructure necessary to ensure greater transparency in applying courses to various majors, to decrease the risk of students taking excess credit hours and to simplify academic planning.
“The CSCU General Education Transfer Credit Alignment Policy will have a lasting impact on our students as it addresses student success, affordability, and systemness,” CSCU chancellor Terrence Cheng said in a press release. “This policy will help ease the path for CT State students to transfer general education courses to CSCU’s four-year institutions, complete a bachelor’s degree program, and successfully enter the workforce.”