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Howard U Moves Classes Online

Howard University will hold only online undergraduate classes (except for lab classes) during the final weeks of the spring semester...

Lessons on Democracy From Ancient Athens: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Jeff Miller, professor in the department of political science and international relations at SUNY New...

Saint Vincent Debates Whether Speech Was Racist

Saint Vincent College’s president, the Reverend Paul Taylor, issued a statement last week denouncing racism after a speech at a...

Howard U Moves to Online Classes

Howard University will hold only online undergraduate classes (except for lab classes) during the final weeks of the semester. Final...

Is There Life Out There—and How Would We Know?

Earth to space: Is anybody out there? In today’s Academic Minute, part of Cornell University College of Engineering Week, Elaine...

Making Campus Police More Approachable

In the post–George Floyd era, some college police departments are demilitarizing uniforms and repainting cars to appear less intimidating and try to earn students’ trust.

‘A Way to Stop the Bleeding’

Erie Community College plans to offer early-retirement incentives to faculty members and administrators, totaling $2.5 million, to cut costs.