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COVID Roundup: Presidential Survey Edition

Survey of presidents zeroes in on financial pressures. Working paper analyzes political factors in reopening decisions. Florida football coach calls for full-capacity stadium crowd. More colleges temporarily shift classes online or take other steps to reduce spread.

2 Stanford Professors Share Nobel in Economics

The 2020 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics will be shared by two Stanford University professors "for improvements to auction theory...

Appalachian State Grapples With Aftermath of Student Death

Confusion and concern mount in the wake of a student's death as COVID-19 infections spread.

The Education Department’s Race to the Bottom

Its Orwellian reading of a university's statement on combating systemic racism is part of a broad effort to flip the national dialogue on race, history and education, argue David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler.

Diversifying AP

The College Board has made real progress, but more work needs to be done, writes Mark Carl Rom.

The Week in Admissions News

Student loans flatten; home confinement for parent in admissions scandal; paying the bills; free tuition problems.

Counselors Need Real Support

The pandemic has created a real crisis that higher education can help solve, write four scholars.

Justice Department Sues Yale

It says the university's affirmative action programs discriminate against Asian American and white applicants.