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Listening to the news can be overwhelming at times. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Texas at Austin's Heather...

When Staff Get Sick

The University of Kentucky has seen 103 cases of COVID-19 among employees. What accounts for those numbers?

New Push for a Shift in Promotion and Tenure

Should innovation and entrepreneurial achievement be considered as part of teaching, research and service?

Undergraduate Dies of COVID-19 Complications

The death of Appalachian State University sophomore Chad Dorrill is among the first reported since many colleges across the country resumed in-person instruction this fall.

Traditional Success Metrics Not Enough

Community colleges serve a diverse array of students who tend to need more supports outside the classroom. But the typical success measurements in higher education don't capture any of that.

CDC Cites Rise in Young Adults With COVID-19

The number of young adults with COVID-19 rose by 55 percent from early August to early September, as most colleges...

Academic Minute: Infowhelm

Today on the Academic Minute, Heather Houser, associate professor of English at the University of Texas at Austin, explores how...

Needed: A New Rehearsal Space for Democracy

General education represents the best and last chance for students to debate broad human problems, yet far too few institutions are giving them the opportunity, argue Andrew Delbanco and Jon Parrish Peede.