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Focusing on Student Veterans' Strengths

Researchers advocate for colleges to view student veterans more holistically, using a survey to determine their greatest strengths.

Higher Ed’s Responsive Strategies To COVID Bring About Faculty Confidence and Optimism | Tuesday, September 22 at 2:00 pm ET

This webcast will explore how the needs of faculty have changed since the initial shift to remote learning this past...

Golf and Racial Segregation in Atlanta

The first desegregation battle in Atlanta was fought in an unusual place. In today's Academic Minute, Central Michigan University's Lane...

Not Shrugging Off Criticism

Scott Atlas, White House adviser on coronavirus, threatens to sue colleagues back at Stanford who spoke out against his approach.

Can Colleges Rely on the CDC?

Colleges rely on guidance from a federal health agency that is operating, as one public health expert put it, "with two hands tied behind its back."

U of California Admissions Blasted by Auditor

Not just donors' children, but athletes and the babysitter of a colleague of the director of undergraduate admissions got into the university, although they weren't qualified. Berkeley in particular is criticized.

Arts Curriculum for the Actual Arts Economy

The pandemic has turned the spotlight onto what was an already glaring problem: what we've been teaching our arts students hasn't fully prepared them, argues Eric J. Lapin.

Academic Minute: Golf and Racial Segregation in Atlanta

Today on the Academic Minute, Lane Demas, professor of history at Central Michigan University, explores where an unexpected early desegregation...