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New research from ACT's Center for Equity in Learning and Hispanic media company Univision Communications Inc. has produced three recommendations for increasing college readiness among Hispanic students.

Hispanic students make up about 18 percent of the college student population, and they tend to meet ACT College Readiness Benchmarks at lower rates than non-Hispanic white students, according to a news release.

Univision and the center discussed the college-going process with 44 parents and 50 high school students in several focus groups in cities across the country. Most of the parents had not attended college. Students and parents were asked about expectations, financial aid, admissions testing and more.

The report, "Breaking Down Barriers: Understanding Hispanic High School Students' Perceptions on the Transition to College," proposes three changes that could help students feel more prepared. Students said they want more proactive counseling in school to help apply for college; parents want opportunities to get involved in the application process and ask questions, through events at the high school or college fairs; and schools need to raise awareness among Hispanic families about fee waivers for tests and test preparation materials.

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