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A photo (at right) of a student at the University of Central Arkansas, posing in blackface and what commenters are calling a "Bill Cosby sweater," has angered many people there. Some press reports say that the student has been expelled, while others say that he was kicked out of his fraternity. The university did not respond to email messages seeking to confirm the facts. The university commented on Twitter that the national board of Sigma Tau Gamma has suspended the Central Arkansas chapter, of which the student is a member.

Brock Denton, the student, posted what some are calling an apology, and what others are saying is anything but, on Instagram. In the post, he said he believes everyone is equal, but blasted the way social media has made him appear to be "a monster, a racist" and more, and said that social media has "corrupted society." He urged people to ask anyone who knows him about his true feelings. He said he would "never EVER" have posed in this way if he had realized "the domino effect" that would follow.

Tom Courtway, the university president, posted a handwritten note as a tweet.