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The University of Iowa found itself answering questions Wednesday about a Tuesday rally on campus for the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. Several members of the football and wrestling teams appeared with Trump, endorsed him and gave him an Iowa football jersey with his name on it (photo at right, Getty Images). Twelve football players and seven wrestlers led the crowd in cheers for Trump, who announced that they had endorsed him. The Des Moines Register reported that Iowa on Wednesday issued a statement saying that the athletes had not broken National Collegiate Athletic Association rules.

"University of Iowa student-athletes are encouraged to participate in the political process as individuals," said a statement from Gary Barta, athletics director. "However, like any endorsement by a student or faculty member, their participation should not be considered representative of the entire team or university. In recent months, candidates from both parties representing a spectrum of ideals have visited Iowa City. We will continue to support this approach without influencing particular political choice or agendas."