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Police are investigating the death of a 16-year-old student at Seattle Central College after some have raised concerns that he was the victim of an anti-Muslim hate crime, the Seattle Times reported. The city’s fire department reported that Hamza Warsame died from injuries apparently sustained after falling off a roof. Some believe he was beaten and thrown off it.

In a statement on Wednesday, Seattle Central’s interim president, Sheila Edwards Lange, said the investigation into the circumstances surrounding Warsame’s death is ongoing and that the Somali Student Association had joined with the Black Student Union, the Muslim Student Association and other student clubs to host a prayer/support circle.

“This incident has brought to light very real concerns among our community of black and Muslim students who are worried about their safety,” Lange wrote. “Amid reports of an increasing number of racist and discriminatory acts locally and nationally, the fear and sorrow our students feel is real.”