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The faculty of Northwest Nazarene University has voted no confidence in President David Alexander. The vote comes amid widespread faculty (and student and alumni) anger over the decision to end the employment of Thomas Jay Oord, a theologian who has a tenured position at the university. While the university said that his job was eliminated because of declining theology enrollments, many doubt that and believe Oord was being punished for views that differ with the president and some members of the Nazarene church. Prior to the vote, Alexander issued a letter in which he said that as the university was retrenching, "no individual in this process was targeted for academic or theological reasons." Alexander did apologize for the way Oord was told (via email) that his job was eliminated, and Alexander said that this was "not respectful."

After the vote of no confidence, Alexander issued another letter in which he said he would reconsider the university's recent moves, although he made no pledges to change any of them. "I am going to study and reconsider action and take at least 14 days to talk with the board, the faculty officers and my cabinet. We need to reflect on and determine the best course for the university in light of the concerns being raised," Alexander said.