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Doonesbury Does Academe
Few observers capture -- and skewer -- academe and academics as well as Doonesbury.
Buying Blackboard, Redux
Blackboard is for sale, again. Let the speculation begin!
Kuali Goes For Profits
The summer was marked by some major “disturbances in the force” of Open Source.
The Beginning of the End of Internet Entitlements?
Should campus uber-users who consume lots of bandwidth pay extra for Internet access?
Summer Reading from THE NEW YORKER Archive
The New Yorker magazine has opened its archives: enjoy!
The Facebook Furor
What did Adam Kramer, a data scientist at Facebook, fail to learn in graduate school?
Cautiously Trust, Aggressively Verify
Campus technology advocates would do well to ask technology evangelists and technology providers the question that thoughtful faculty seek to instill in their students: how do you know?
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