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I'm Failing My MOOC

I thought I should try out a MOOC for myself to see what kind of future awaits me. I'm failing, but that doesn't mean I'm not learning.

22 Thoughts on Automated Grading of Student Writing

I have some thoughts on automated grading of student writing. Most of them are unkind.

We Don't Need No Adaptive Learning

We don't need adaptive learning because we already have something better, adaptive teaching.

Bill Gates Has a Solution for Higher Education: Yoda

Bill Gates laid out his ideas to help solve current issues in higher education at the recent SXSW conference.

An Ad Hominem Attack Against Thomas Friedman

I engage in some ad hominem against Thomas Friedman because he deserves it.

The Tournament of Books: Saying "sure, why not?"

I said, "sure, why not?" to something nine years ago, and I'm very glad for it.

I'm Not Going to the AWP Conference, and I Feel Fine

There's some aspects of the AWP conference that trouble me. Is it me or the conference? Both?

Said Is NOT Dead

There's some bad instruction going around regarding dialog tags.