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Librarians as Learning Designers?

The Question: Should learning design duties be added to traditional subject librarian tasks? The Role: A learning designer, in the...

Increasing the Library Role?

Great discussion around the "Eroding Library Role?" article from 4/7. One area that I'd like to engage the library community...

11 Ideas About Which I May Be Wrong

We only really learn anything when there is a possibility that our ideas may be wrong. Any assertions that we...

Why Cory Doctorow Is Wrong About the iPad

Fair warning - Cory Doctorow is much smarter than I am - so you'd probably want to side with him...

A Defense of Textbooks

I like textbooks. I like to design courses around textbooks. How can I promote textbooks with one hand and open...

The Brain and Learning Technology

I'm reading a great book called The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain...

On Facebook, Video and Attention

The News Feed on my Facebook account just popped up a notice: "On Leadership: Dartmouth College president and public-health leader...

Soccer Coaches and College Professors

Soccer is much on my mind the days, as my 13 year old is beginning her season. I've come to...