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A Library Written in Disappearing Ink

I've been mulling over the bizarre new move by a major publisher to get more blood out of a turnip...

In the Teeth of the Evidence

One of the things we hope students will learn by seeking out information in the library and online is the...

Tech Tools for Scholars - The Sequel

As I mentioned in a post late last week, I have been thinking about which technical tools are ones that...

Tools of the Scholarly Trade

I've been teaching a seminar course for several years now designed for students who may be headed to grad school...

Women and Wikipedia

I know gender inequality hasn't gone away, and that we are not living in a post-sexist society, but I can...

User-Centered Collection Development Means ... What?

One of my far-flung correspondents (well, not that far-flung; he lives in the Fargo-Moorhead area) sent me an intriguing job...

Undergraduates and E-Books: A Marriage Made With a Shotgun

Sisters in Crime, a mystery writer's organization of which I am a member, has recently released a study of mystery...

Happy Birthday, Wikipedia

Wikipedia will celebrate its tenth birthday at the end of this week. It's one of those anniversaries, like the recent...