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Light bulb of many colors emitting strips of many colors

How to Support Innovative Work in the Humanities

Stephanie Kirk and Christopher Schaberg share nine ways senior faculty can help shift institutional cultures and make leading-edge scholarship more valued.

Older man leans over younger student who is looking at a computer and seems to be giving him advice

Frustrated With Your Dissertation Chair?

Ramon B. Goings offers three fundamental strategies to help strengthen the relationship.

Group of colorful star stickers

Give Yourself a Sticker

We encourage our students to acknowledge the challenges of their work, set boundaries and take breaks, Sasha Bianca Goldman writes. But do we take our own advice?

Student sits at desk taking notes from a book, computer open by her side

Staged Assignments & Long-Ass Prompts

After years of trying to convince students it was in their best interest to start their research papers early, Zachary Nowak simply required them to.

Man holding up 10 books supporting another man looking across landscape through a telescope

10 Survival Tips for New Professors

Benjamin Pacini offers advice that can help you make your life as an instructor a little easier and, more important, benefit your students.

Man in suit hides his face behind a mask

On Authenticity and Leadership in Academe

Being true to ourselves is a barometer of well-being, but what if aspects of our true selves are counterproductive for us or our institution? Jacob A. Brown, C. K. Gunsalus, Nicholas C. Burbules and Thomas Byrne offer some answers.

Four administrators in suits stand on top of puzzle pieces and shout through megaphones

The Case for Restraint in Presidential Statements

They are more fraught with hazards than ever, writes Steven Bahls, who shares specific criteria he developed for speaking out—or not.

Students of different nationalities with a book and computer or standing

A New Career Model to Support International Ph.D.s and Postdocs

Too many have limited knowledge about how to navigate career moves and remain in the United States legally, write Priya Date and Yi Hao.