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Evolution of Digital Materials

In today’s Academic Minute, Temple University's Youngjin Yoo examines how digital materials evolve in way their creators never imagined. Yoo...

Evolution of Digital Materials

In today’s Academic Minute, Temple University's Youngjin Yoo examines how digital materials evolve in way their creators never imagined. Yoo...

Alan Turing and Morphogen Theory

In today’s Academic Minute, Jeremy Green of King’s College London examines how Alan Turing’s mathematical genius continues to guide scientists...

Glaciers and Temperature Change

In today’s Academic Minute, the University at Buffalo's Jason Briner describes evidence that glaciers respond to temperature changes more rapidly...

Afro-Futurism in Literature

In today’s Academic Minute, the College of Saint Rose's Rone Shavers examines the literary movement known as Afro-Futurism. Shavers is...

Youth Voting Patterns

In today’s Academic Minute, Manhattan College's Margaret Groarke explores the trend of high voter turnout among youthful voters. Groarke is...

Diamonds and Quantum Computing

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Southern California's Daniel Lidar examines why diamonds may be the key to quantum...

Great White Shark Diet

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Wyoming's Sora Kim discusses how scientists are using advanced technology to understand the...