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Faculty Report Cites 'Culture of Fear' at Rio Grande Valley

A faculty report about the climate at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley describes a pervasive “culture of...

2 Vermont State Colleges May Combine Administrations

The board of the Vermont State Colleges on Thursday approved a concept proposal to combine the administrations of Johnson State...

EverFi Buys LawRoom

EverFi, a company that provides colleges with online training programs on issues such as financial literacy and sexual assault prevention...

Leaders Convicted for Roles in Hong Kong's Student-Led Protests

Three leaders of the massive 2014 student-led pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong have been convicted for their roles in the...

Academic Minute: Intermarriage

Today in the Academic Minute, Helen Kim, associate professor of sociology at Whitman College, examines if combining cultures, races or...

Report Emphasizes Institutional Change Before Initiatives

A new paper from the Community College Research Center at Teachers College at Columbia University examines the use of integrated...

Michigan Donor Pulls $3M Gift Over Naming Concerns

The University of Michigan's Board of Regents chairman and his wife are rescinding a $3 million gift toward a new...

Higher Ed and K-12 Leaders Point Fingers in Texas

The tendency of higher education and K-12 leaders to point fingers at one another was on display in Texas Wednesday...