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Survey Explores Students' Mobile Shopping Habits

College bookstores looking to lure students back from Amazon and other online retailers may want to consider meeting them where...

Is Trump a Good Speaker for Martin Luther King Jr. Day?

Liberty University has hosted multiple presidential candidates and was praised for inviting Bernie Sanders, whose views on various issues differ...

Board Candidates Want Harvard to Be Free

A slate of candidates for Harvard University's Board of Overseers is running a campaign in the alumni election on the...

Academic Minute: Grainy Digital Photographs

Today on the Academic Minute, Justin Dressel, assistant professor of physics at Chapman University, explains how quantum physics has a...

Professor Told to Pay 'Comfort Women' for Defamation

A South Korean court ordered a professor to pay 10 million won, or $8,262, to each of nine women who...

AAU Affirms Opposition to Israel Boycott

The Association of American Universities on Thursday issued a statement affirming its opposition to the movement to boycott Israeli universities...

NCAA Acts on Athletes Turning Pro, Big 12 Title Game

The National Collegiate Athletic Association's Division I council on Wednesday voted to give male basketball players more flexibility to test...

3 Columbia U Students Killed on Mission in Honduras

Three students were killed and others injured when a bus carrying members of a Columbia University volunteer group crashed on...