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Rider, Faculty Union Reach Deal to Avoid Cuts

Rider University and its faculty union have agreed on a deal that will freeze professors' wages for two years so...

Court Upholds Right of Towson to Keep Player Off Team

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has upheld the right of Towson University to keep off the...

Chinese Professor Punished for "Radical Opinions"

The removal of Liang Xinsheng from his position as deputy head of the English department at Lingnan Normal University, in...

Police Incident at Brown U Derails Latino Meeting

Brown University officials are investigating and apologizing for an incident that took place early Saturday morning in which one of...

UNC Fires Two More in Scandal Over Sham Courses

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on Thursday announced it had fired two more employees in a scandal...

Rallies at Many Campuses Over Race, Debt

Students on many campuses held rallies Thursday to back black students at the University of Missouri at Columbia and to...

UW Madison TAs Protest Working Conditions

Teaching assistants at the University of Wisconsin at Madison are planning to protest next week over a proposed restructuring of...

Clarion Forced to Cancel Play Due to Actors' Race

Clarion University was forced to call off a student production of the play Jesus in India because of the student...