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Mumps Outbreak at U of Illinois, U of Missouri

Cases of the mumps have broken out on two different campuses, health officials reported this week. Fifty cases of the...

White House Summit on Short-Term Training Programs

The White House is hosting a meeting today on the growing boot camp and coding academy space, which offers short-term...

U of New Hampshire 'Bias-Free Language Guide'

Conservative websites on Wednesday spent time mocking a "bias-free language guide" at the University of New Hampshire, which isn't new...

Furor Over Delayed Appointment at U of Hong Kong

Students stormed out of a meeting of the governing council of the University of Hong Kong Tuesday, with one person...

The Haverford Network in Pro Baseball

An article in The New York Times explores how alumni of Haverford College, a small, academically rigorous Division III institution...

Akron Layoffs Include Everyone at University Press

The University of Akron announced a few weeks ago that it would eliminate more than 200 jobs to deal with...

Poll Shows Different Benefit of Graduate Degrees

Adults in the U.S. who have graduated with more than a bachelor’s degree are the most likely than others to...

Reuters: Blackboard Seeking $3 Billion Sale

Educational technology giant Blackboard is exploring a sale, according to anonymous sources who spoke to Reuters. The company, which develops...