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Academic Minute: Pilgrimages Could Save the Environment

Today on the Academic Minute, part of SUNY Oneonta Sustainability Week, James Mills, assistant professor of geography and environmental sustainability...

Supporting Transfer to Private Colleges

A new Ithaka S+R report explores how to improve transfer pathways between community colleges and nonprofit private four-year institutions. It's...

Purdue Crowdsources Funds for COVID Tests, Classroom Shields

Purdue University is asking alumni and other donors to pony up to protect its students and employees from COVID-19 this...

Virginia Commonwealth Libraries Launch Digital Press

Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries are launching an effort that will spearhead the digital publishing of scholarship by VCU faculty, students...

Report: Which Employability Skills Are Students Missing?

Two new reports highlight the gaps in employability skills among college graduates. The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities surveyed...

New Podcast Episode on Uncertainty Facing College Athletics

The Key With Inside Higher Ed is a podcast on the uncertainties both college students and colleges face in coming...

NFL Players, Students Demand Clemson Remove Calhoun Name

Two professional football players joined Clemson University students’ calls to remove the name of John C. Calhoun, a United States...

Resignations at Liberty University After Falwell's Blackface Tweet

At least four black faculty and staff members at Liberty University have resigned in protest after the evangelical college’s president...