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Hampden-Sydney College has expelled one student and punished three others for their roles in an ugly gathering involving racial epithets after President Obama was re-elected. The students' guilt and punishments were determined by student courts. The student who was expelled was found guilty of violating college rules against disruptive behavior, harassment and lewd behavior. A statement from the college said: "Hampden-Sydney College reflects the diversity which is America. Each day, we successfully live, work, and play together. However, we continue to make this community ever more open, accepting, and embracing of our increasing diversity. Our faculty is designing programming to encourage critical thinking about diversity. The Office of Student Affairs is working with the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities to revisit our residential life program and freshman orientation to ensure that students receive training on becoming 'upstanders' versus 'bystanders.' Most importantly, our student leaders are engaged in serious, thoughtful dialogue, have pledged to respect differences, and are committed to set the example for other students."