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The University of Texas Board of Regents voted Wednesday to conduct a new inquiry into the relationship between the University of Texas at Austin and the foundation that supports its law school, The Dallas Morning News reported. The relationship has already been the subject of two prior reviews, which did identify some financial concerns, which have since been fixed. The new review is being called for by regents who are believed to want to oust Bill Powers, currently the president at Austin and formerly the law dean there.
The Texas Coalition for Excellence in Higher Education, a group formed by supporters of public higher education in the state, issued a statement questioning the motives behind the new review. "Unfortunately, today’s vote by the UT System Board of Regents has the appearance of a continued vendetta against UT Austin and its leaders," the statement said. "From all appearances, UT Austin has been open, transparent and cooperative in regards to the investigation into the UT Law School Foundation, fully complying with three rounds of inquiry — from system’s general counsel, from the attorney general and from the board’s Audit Committee. President Powers himself requested the Law School dean’s resignation. The suggestion that he or his office have not been transparent or cooperative is untrue."