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Union College in New York has asked current leaders of the Sigma Delta Tau chapter to put its pledging activity on hold as the college and national sorority review hazing claims, as detailed by a former member in a Cosmopolitan article

“We don’t tolerate hazing at Union,” a college spokesman, Phillip Wajda, wrote in an e-mail. “The column references incidents that allegedly took place three years ago and we are working with the national chapter of Sigma Delta Tau to review the claims.”

In the column, a former sorority member and recent graduate of the college details her experience pledging Sigma Delta Tau, which she said included line-ups, lock-ins and being accessible 24-7. Tess Koman wrote that the benefits of sorority involvement outweighed the hazing. “From the very beginning, one message colors everything you do: if you want what we have, if you want to be worthy of our attention, if you want to be one of us, you’ll do what we say. Oh, also? You are not to tell ANYONE about it,” Koman wrote.