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Fast Company's Co.Exist reports on the unlikely home-to-be of a professor at Huston-Tillotson University: a 33-square-foot dumpster in Austin, Tex., where the university is located. Jeff Wilson, dean of the University College and associate professor of biological sciences, has taken on the alter ego of Professor Dumpster for the Dumpster Project, which aims to get students thinking about sustainable environmental practices. As part of the project, Wilson sold most of his belongings for $1 apiece and has been living (secretly) in his office at the university, but decided to make the move into the dumpster (which he plans to do soon) to give students a project: "to ultimately show one can have a pretty good life in a dumpster,” according to Co.Exist.

In addition to giving his students that challenge, Wilson and the project have created a curriculum they will use to educate elementary and secondary school students on environmental issues, focused on the Professor Dumpster character (think Bill Nye the Science Guy).