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The University of Maine’s partnership with the for-profit pathway program provider and international student recruiting company Study Group resulted in fewer students than hoped for in its first year, the Bangor Daily News reported. The target was to recruit 50 international students to the University of Maine and 20 to the University of Southern Maine in the first year. In fact, just four students enrolled at UMaine in fall 2013, one of whom withdrew; an additional 12 students enrolled later in the academic year and the university expects to enroll 20 new students this coming fall. The University of Southern Maine has enrolled one student through the partnership. 

Maine officials told the newspaper that by the time they signed the contract with Study Group – in March of 2013 – they’d missed that year’s recruitment cycle.

As Inside Higher Ed has reported, an increasing number of colleges have turned to corporate pathway providers like Study Group in hopes of increasing their international student populations.