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The U.S. Department of Education has awarded a nearly $570,000 grant to the University of California at Santa Barbara to "assist with ongoing mental health services" following a shooting near the campus last May, the department announced Tuesday. The mass shooting, which took place in the campus-adjacent town of Isla Vista, left six students dead. The university will use the department's grant to temporarily hire an additional student mental health services coordinator, a counseling psychologist for staff and faculty, two additional counseling psychologists, and an additional social worker.

"I am always saddened by any tragic event, but especially incidents that involve young people whose entire futures lie ahead of them," Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, stated. "We want to provide as much support as we can to the students, faculty and community who have been impacted. This grant will help provide the necessary support needed to assist the university and community as they continue to move beyond the tragedies they've experienced."