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Violent crime on college campuses is decreasing, but the number of sworn and armed police officers on campuses continues to rise, according to a new report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The report was based on the 2011-12 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, and included responses and Clery data from more than 900 U.S. four-year colleges and universities that enroll 2,500 or more students.
Nearly 70 percent of colleges and universities operated full law-enforcement agencies in 2012, and 94 percent of those officers are authorized to use a firearm. More than 90 percent of public institutions and 38 percent of private institutions in 2012 used sworn officers. In total, 75 percent of campuses said they used armed officers in 2012, compared to the 68 percent of colleges when the survey was last conducted in 2005. In 2012, campus agencies recorded 45 violent crimes per 100,000 students, a 27 percent decrease from 2005.