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Israeli authorities are investigating the practice of a former professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz of listing his academic affiliation in his journal articles as Ariel University, an institution he has never visited, Haaretz reported. The professor listed Ariel as an affiliation on seven articles in 2014 and two this year. Ariel is a controversial Israeli university, located on the West Bank and criticized by many (including Israeli academics), who question the appropriateness of building an Israeli university there. The question of journal articles and their ties to a university is important because the government in Israel evaluates its universities, in part, on the research output of its faculty members. Ariel said that the professor collaborates with one who is on campus.

In 2011, Science reported that some Saudi universities were boosting their apparent research output by creating extremely loose affiliations with scholars in other countries who were being hired on the condition that their journal articles list their affiliation with Saudi universities before others.