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Bryn Mawr College, a women's institution, announced Monday that it would admit certain groups of transgender students. Bryn Mawr's old policy did not ban transgender applicants, saying only that Bryn Mawr was a women's college and that "how an individual self-identifies in terms of gender, or any changes in self-identification while a student is enrolled here, are personal matters and not something the college tracks." The new policy explicitly welcomes some transgender applicants. The new policy states that the college's mission is "to educate women to be future leaders -- and in this mission context more clearly articulates the eligible undergraduate applicant pool. In addition to those applicants who were assigned female at birth, the applicant pool will be inclusive of transwomen and of intersex individuals who live and identify as women at the time of application. Intersex individuals who do not identify as male are also eligible for admission. Those assigned female at birth who have taken medical or legal steps to identify as male are not eligible for admission."

Bryn Mawr's move follows similar announcements from Mills, Mount Holyoke and Scripps Colleges.