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Adults in the U.S. who have graduated with more than a bachelor’s degree are the most likely than others to feel that they learn something new or do something interesting every day, according to a new poll released by Gallup Tuesday. While 74 percent of those with postgraduate courses or degrees under their belt felt this way, only 66 percent with only bachelor’s degrees agreed, and the number dipped to 65 percent for those with some college or associate degrees. Adults with a high school education or less were the least likely to agree, clocking in at 63 percent. The question was posed during a larger six-month survey that ended at the beginning of June and surveyed more than 250,000 adults in the U.S.

Participants were asked to place their level of agreement on learning or doing something interesting every day on a five-point scale. “Higher education institutions across the U.S. share similar mission and purpose statements. These statements often include a core goal of ‘fostering lifelong learning’ among students and graduates,” the authors wrote in the report. The authors also noted that communities with “a strong academic presence” are more likely to have events and opportunities for residents to participate in and learn from.