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The effects of last year's ruling in the lawsuit filed by Ed O'Bannon against the National Collegiate Athletic Association's over name and likeness payments were set to begin Saturday. In August, Judge Claudia Wilken ruled that the NCAA violated antitrust law by not allowing athletes to be paid for the use of their names and likeness. The ruling would have allowed, though not required, colleges to pay players about $5,000 each year beginning on August 1.

On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit granted the NCAA a last minute stay of that injunction, preserving the status quo while the association appeals the original ruling. The NCAA has argued that allowing athletes to be paid any amount of money outside of scholarship funds would cause "irreparable harm" to its amateurism model. The court did not say when it would release its opinion on the appeal. 

"We are pleased that the Ninth Circuit today granted the NCAA’s motion for stay," Donald Remy, NCAA chief legal officer, said in a statement. "As a result, the NCAA will not be implementing any changes to its rules in response to the district court’s injunction at this time. We continue to await the Ninth Circuit’s final ruling.”