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A task force at the University of Texas at Austin has called for several statues on the campus, including those of Confederate figures, to either have explanatory plaques added to the statues or to have one or more statues moved to a different area of campus, the university announced Monday. The committee, which was created by President Gregory Fenves in June, included leaders of the student government at UT-Austin, faculty members and administrators. It met six times since June and presented its findings to the president today. Two public forums were held on the presence of the statues in July, and more than 3,100 people responded to an online questionnaire about the statues. The president will review the report before making a final decision.

Three of the statues, which are all of Confederate leaders, including the president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, were vandalized in June. A UT-Austin spokesman said the graffiti on the statues was cleaned off the day it was discovered and university policemen regularly patrol the area where the statues are located.