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Hillary Clinton on Thursday endorsed legislation in California that would limit the share of non-Californians enrolled at University of California campuses to 10 percent, CNN reported. "One of the things we are going to do is get the cost of college down, and I heard just today that the Legislature in California is going to limit the number of foreign students," Clinton said, while campaigning for votes in California's Democratic presidential primary. "I have to say, I approve of that." (The legislation, passed Wednesday by the Assembly, sets limits on all out-of-state students, not only international students.)
Clinton said she realized that state universities were admitting more nonresident students because they "pay the full cost," but she said that it was time to move away from that model. "We have got to get back to using public colleges and university for what they were intended," Clinton said. "If it is in California, for the children in California. If it is in New York, for the children in New York."