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A professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev was among those killed Wednesday when Palestinian gunmen attacked Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market, the university announced.

Michael Feige, 58, was a sociologist and anthropologist who specialized in Israeli society. His book Settling in the Hearts: Jewish Fundamentalism in the Occupied Territories (Wayne State University Press, 2009) won the Association for Israel Studies’ Shapiro Prize for the best book in Israel studies in 2010.

A statement from Feige’s faculty colleagues and students at the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism described Feige’s research as “always penetrating and invariably profound. He brought a unique perspective to the diverse topics he studied -- the shaping of Israeli collective memory; the place of archaeology in Israeli society and the meanings and implications of clashes over antiquities; the changing memory and commemoration of the Rabin assassination; the memory of the Yom Kippur War in Israel; and other subjects central to our understanding of Israeli society in the past five decades.”

Feige is survived by his wife and three daughters.