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Every year, first-year women at the University of Pennsylvania receive a crude email inviting them to a party at an off-campus fraternity. "Ladies," this year's email stated, "the year is now upon us. May we have your attention please. We're looking for the fun ones, and say 'fuck off' to a tease." The invitation also told the women to "please wear something tight."

Frustrated by the sexist nature of the email, a group of female students printed out more than 600 copies of the message and posted them around campus Monday. On top of the printouts, they wrote, "This is what rape culture looks like" and "We are watching." The fliers also included information about the university's sexual assault resources.

In a statement Tuesday, the university praised the students who posted the fliers and called the original email offensive. "Challenging offensive speech, as these students did, is important and wholly consistent with the university's ongoing efforts and the national conversation about preventing and responding to sexual misconduct," the university stated.