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Chicago State University's enrollment has plunged amid budget cuts and turmoil, with the university serving a largely black student body on the South Side of Chicago reporting overall enrollment down 25 percent over the past year and just 86 freshmen entering this fall.
The 86 freshmen enrolled counts full-time and part-time students. Chicago State has 3,578 students taking classes this fall, the Chicago Tribune reported Tuesday. That's down from 7,362 in 2010. Of the students enrolled, 2,352 are undergraduates and 1,226 are graduate students.
Chicago State has suffered numerous difficulties in recent years, including an 11 percent graduation rate, the dismissal of President Thomas Calhoun Jr. this month after nine months on the job and funding difficulties brought on by the Illinois budget battle. Chicago State declared a financial emergency and laid off 40 percent of its employees this year while cutting academic programs and services.