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Many colleges and universities near the Atlantic coast -- from Florida through North Carolina -- are announcing that they will evacuate their campuses and shut down operations in anticipation of the possible arrival of Hurricane Matthew. Many of these colleges will be closed from today through Sunday.
Among the colleges evacuating or shutting down (with some closing only Friday -- see links for details) are: Bethune-Cookman University, Broward College, College of Charleston, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida Atlantic University, Jacksonville University, Miami-Dade College, Savannah State University, Seminole State College, University of Florida, Trident Technical College, University of South Carolina, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, University of North Florida,
The College Board, which has an SAT scheduled for Sunday, has announced that it will work with test centers that are closed to reschedule. (Photo is of a previous hurricane.)