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The U.S. Education Department announced Thursday that it would fine Pennsylvania State University nearly $2.4 million for failing to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The fine -- a record under that law -- followed a review of on-campus sex offenses involving former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, who sexually abused numerous boys. Until Thursday, the largest fine ever under the law was under $400,000.

The Clery Act required colleges and universities to track and disclose information about crime on or near campus. Many of the incidents involving Sandusky took place on or near the Penn State campus.

The department said it had been working on the investigation since Sandusky was indicted in 2011, and that the investigation took a long time because of the significant time period (1998 to 2011) covered by various relevant accusations against Sandusky.

Details of the department’s findings may be found here.

The department said that Penn State had responded to all 11 findings of violations of the law.

Inside Higher Ed will have more details on this story tomorrow.