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Carol M. Swain, a controversial professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, will retire in August, she announced this week. “I will miss the students and the rhythm of campus, but I will not miss what American universities have allowed themselves to become,” Swain said in a statement on her website. “What will I do next? I anticipate spending my time writing, speaking and making myself available for my next assignment.”

Swain has faced criticism for her comments about Islam and Black Lives Matter, among other topics. In 2015, for example, some students pushed for Vanderbilt to take action against Swain for writing in a column in the wake of the January terror attacks in Paris, “What would it take to make us admit we were wrong about Islam? What horrendous attack would finally convince us that Islam is not like other religions in the U.S., that it poses an absolute danger to us and our children unless it is monitored better than it has been under the Obama administration?”

A university spokesperson told The Tennessean, “We wish Professor Swain well in her retirement from Vanderbilt.”